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When you stop trying, you fail。句子可以从什么地方写起呢?分享好句子可以找到志同道合的朋友,好词佳句网小编热衷于作文作文万能句子总结了一些经验希望能与大家分享,再次感谢您的耐心浏览!

1、Don't worry about the vague future, but work hard for the clear present

2、Always feel that the land of the motherland is firmly under your feet, and live with the collective. Remember that the collective educated you. If you break away from the collective one day, it is the beginning of the end—— Nikolai Ostrovsky

3、Sweep the floor together!

4、Destiny is invented by those cowardly and resigned people!

5、Always remember that parents' hard-earned money comes from hard work, and never forget that parents need to repay for their upbringing.

6、Most things in the world are done by people who feel uncomfortable

7、Speak filial piety, read classics, cultivate good people, pass on knowledge, teach skills, and build capable people.

8、Although ambitious, down-to-earth is gold.

9、A single thread does not make a thread, and a single tree does not make a forest—— common saying

10、What is really valuable is a sweet smile that costs nothing.

11、Life is not about surpassing others, but about surpassing ourselves

12、Life is a dangerous valley. Only brave people can pass through—— Michelpan

13、Society is like a ship, everyone should be ready to take the helm-- Ibsen

14、Don't just eat milk, but learn to eat dry food, especially simple food.

15、When you stop trying, you fail

16、Learning is labor and labor full of ideas—— Ushenski

17、Without spiritual passion, you may be defeated

18、It is wise to understand responsibility, mission and gratitude.

19、I don't come to Longfei for happiness, but I come to Longfei for happiness!

20、Success is a verb, not a noun!


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