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1、At the time their son and daughter are like the swallows go out from their nest and fly far apart from each other, the autumn of life also dyed mother'sr hair to be grey. 岂不知儿女们长大一天,她们就接近了秋日一天,待儿女们像燕子出巢,飞向天南地北的时日,秋色也就染白了她们的发鬓。

2、Autumn, , banyan tree leaves turn yellow, autumn mother-in-law deeply breathed a sigh of relief. 秋天,榕树一些叶子变黄了,秋婆婆深深地吹了一口气。

3、The trees were naked during autumn.

4、the weather in september was positively autumnal. 我喜欢收集秋天赤褐色的叶子。

5、Today, some therapists use poetry reading or writing to facilitate healing or promote personal growth in their clients. 今天,一些临床医学家用读诗或写诗的方式来帮助患者康复或者促进其人格的成长。

6、The golden autumn, the sky like a piece of earth sapphire, it has been autumn wipe very clean and beautiful.

7、That little boy asked his parents why the leaves fall from the trees in autumn. 那个小男孩问他的父母为什么树在秋天掉叶子。

8、As the saying goes, xxxThe sky was clearxxx is written in the sky, the beauty of autumn scenery. 正所谓“天高云淡”就是写的秋天的天空的美的景色。

9、When I'm watching him play, it's like I'm enjoying the fruits of my labors. 当我看着儿子打球的时候,感觉就像秋天里收获劳动的果实。

10、Autumn quietly came, walked with light steps, with the harvest of hope and joy. 秋天悄无声息地来了,迈着轻盈的步子,带着收获的希望和喜悦。

11、Eg. The book was written by Mr. Liang Shiqiu. 这本书是梁实秋先生写的。

12、He utilizes the maple leaves of late autumn and their fiery red color to make the mountain forest in late autumn as vibrant and lively as in spring time. 他抓住了晚秋时的枫叶那热烈的火红色,把秋天的山林写得象春天一样生机勃勃,富有生命力。

13、This poetry is realistic. 这诗是写实的。

14、Leaves fall down from trees in autumn. 在秋天,很多叶子都从树上飘落。

15、In the invocation to Book Nine of Paradise Lost, Milton describes and it's wonderful to see this representation of this process that, I think, we've been wondering about he describes the process by which the heavenly muse inspires, and he says inspires nightly, the composition of his epic. 在《失乐园》第九卷中,弥尔顿描绘了,看到弥尔顿对这一过程的描述很是奇妙,我们都对这一过程很好奇,弥尔顿描绘了天神缪斯启示他,他说是在晚上启示的,启示他写作史诗的过程。

16、Don't let the bride eat the autumn eggplant. 不要让新娘吃秋天的茄子。

17、And in this period, very ErShe, qin rise of writing a day off days Qiang differences of the spring and autumn period and the stage is. 而在这时期,很上升贰拾万,秦天就写一段关天沈蔷分歧春秋阶段的事。


18、Look, the apples are all laughing red, like thanking Aunt Qiu for making them mature、

19、This is the initial part of the simile that describes the leaves: xxxthick as Autumnal Leaves that strow the Brooks / in Vallombrosa, where th' Etrurian shades / high overarch't imbow'r.xxx 这是描写落叶的比喻的开始部分:,“他们人数众多,稠密得像秋天的繁叶,/在瓦隆布罗萨,厄特鲁利亚的光辉逐渐暗淡“

20、It's here that Milton for no explicit, or no apparent, reason at all - it's here that he provides a little theoretical digression on the stunning flexibility of angelic bodies. 但在这他无缘无故的,没有任何明显原因的,-在这儿他脱离了诗歌主线,转而去描写天使身体惊人的灵活性。

21、the leaves turn to yellow and become fall from the tree.叶子逐渐变黄,慢慢从树

22、Like an open sketchbook focused on my Dreams, this land is forever pictured as a comforting Autumn Dusk. 像于我的梦想集中的一个开放写生簿,这土地永远被生动描述作为一个安慰的秋天黄昏。

23、Fall girl marched slowly toward the pace of nature, she was like a magician, put into a colorful autumn leaves. 秋姑娘迈着姗姗步伐走向大自然,她像一位魔术师,把秋天的叶子变成了五颜六色。

24、Strong technical skills enhance a beautiful scene that compares traditional and contemporized architectural styles.

25、The travelers were beguiled by the beauty of the landscapes游客们被景色的美丽所陶醉。

26、Farmers has harvest and all celebrate the great god.农民获得了丰收,感恩着上苍的眷顾。

27、Autumn has arrived, and will fall Kapok fluff and seeds. 秋天来临了,会落下木棉花的绒毛和种子。

28、If I were a chrysanthemum flower, in these days of deep autumn, the girl of autumn had bestowed me life. 假如我是一朵菊花,在这秋意浓浓的日子里,秋天姑娘赐予我生命。

29、I think this is where the text works hard, dyed yellow autumn leaves, all because of the mood and superficial description. 我想这便是文字工程的艰巨所在,落叶染黄了秋天,这一切只因描写的意境而浅薄。

30、Besides color, fragrance and taste, there are sound and light、 At that time, the sound of autumn and autumn, at this time, the colorful autumn makes me dazzled and overwhelmed、

31、Teacher comment on: thellos essay describing the young writer is in the whole process of autumn activities. 名师评点:这篇作文描写的是小笔者到场的秋游活动的全般历程。

32、Fall illustration and writing activity. 图释秋天及书写练习。

33、there is a breath of autumn in the air today. xx月的天气确实像秋天了。

34、Autumn, is a harvest day, autumn, of course, is the most common fruit, orchard fruit of joy, the joy of exposing their harvest. 秋日,是一个丰收的日子,秋天里,最常见当然是水果,果园里果农的欢乐,暴露了他们丰收的喜悦。


35、As the dead leaves crunched under my shoes and the wind whipped my cheeks, I realized autumn has arrived.

36、In fall, the wind blows the leaves off the trees. 秋天时,风把叶子从树上吹落。

37、High autumn day, as if heaven and the earth Pangu also; days as blue, as if there was the artist painted in the sky blue pigment.

38、We are enjoying the resplendent colors of the New England woods in the autumn.


40、do not know when, you fall softly on my red sweater, you put a flower as I have it不知什么时候,你轻轻地落在我鲜红的毛衣上,你把我也当成一朵花了吗?

41、That is an oil painting of a landscape in spring.

42、The moon went down, the sun was not yet out, and there was only a dark blue sky left; everything except the things that traveled at night fell asleep、

43、Medicinal herb rhymes describe the appearance and properties of the medicinal herbs and their effect in curing diseases, keeping fit and prolonging life. 咏药诗是古代咏物诗的一类,它以描写药物的形态、特性,吟咏中药给人类带来的祛病健身、延年益寿的功用为主题。

44、Sandburg's poetry was filled with sayings, scraps of anecdotes and conversations, and descriptions of steel mills and of farms. 山德伯格的诗充满名言、轶闻趣事、对话和对钢铁厂及农场的描写。

45、The fairy hides the hot summer sun with her light and cool sleeves、 Bring the cool breeze to the earth、

46、点赞、关注我 现代青少儿英语,及时获取最新少儿英语知识、启蒙、英语进阶干货。

47、Summer-born children are considerably less likely to attend top universities than pupils with autumn birthdays, according to research published today. 今天公布的一项研究显示,比起秋天出生的孩子,夏天出生的孩子考上顶尖大学的概率要小得多。

48、i think autumn is the most beautiful season in a year. 秋天时叶子变黄。

49、Zheng partly agrees. She doesn't like being labeled a xxxmigrant-worker poetxxx, and much prefers to be called a writer xxxwhose poems are about migrant workers' livesxxx. 郑同意其中一部分。她不喜欢被称着“外来农民工诗人”,更愿意被叫着“用诗来描写外来农民工人生活”的作家。

50、Aristotle's link does not make it clear, but the part you quoted is a poetic description, typeset cursive in the printed version, and those are notoriously difficult to understand. Aristotle的链接不能说明问题,但你引用的是一段充满诗意的描写,印刷版本中,排版为手写体,出了名的难懂。


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